How To Practice Driving With Someone With Anxiety

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Planning for Education After I graduated from high school, I could see that there were some things that I needed to do. I wanted to continue my educational path, but I wasn't quite sure how to proceed. I started thinking long and hard about going through and making a difference in my own life, and it occurred to me that choosing to plan for my education would be incredibly important. I began looking at different schools and budgeting my money, and sure enough, I was able to completely pay for my first few semesters of school without too much of a hassle. Check out this website for tips for planning your future.



Learning to drive is an activity that most adults will need to do at some point in their life. If you are a driving instructor or a person teaching someone to drive, you will be tasked with meeting people at their skill level and helping them become a road-safe driver. A person who has anxiety might find it more difficult than the average person to learn how to drive. If you are giving driving lessons to someone who suffers from anxiety disorders, there are some things that you can do to help them train as a good driver. 

Invest in driving simulation training

Instead of heading on the road in a car, a driving simulation is one of the best ways to help a person with anxiety calm down. The driving simulation will put them in the actual seat of a car with the same operation, but will play out via a simulator. This will give your student time to get comfortable behind the wheel and with seeing other cars and truck driving around them. If they express discomfort or anxiety during the simulation sessions, they can develop methods of dealing with anxiety, such as listening to music or breathing exercises. 

Start in their neighborhood

There is no place that you know better than your own neighborhood. Instead of having your driving student start out driving on the roads near your driving center, you should take the car to their neighborhood. Going to their territory will give them a home court advantage and allow them the chance to get started without not being sure of their direction. Going into their neighborhood will also give them a sense of familiarity with the roads, as they have likely seen other people drive on those particular streets. 

Invent a scenario

Instead of having your driving student drive around as if it is a test, you should have them drive around in a specific scenario. When you get into the car give the person a scenario that they are driving under. A useful prompt is that you are a friend and they are taking you home after work. Another driving scenario could be that you are headed out to a restaurant at a busy part of town together or that they are dropping you off at the airport. These scenarios provide a reason for driving that is more natural than simple practice. This can help a student with anxiety calm down. 

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